Recordings available 

This workshop was live on June 22 & 23, 2024

Workshop Description  

See and feel how contractions acts on you ... how it affects how you show up, how you move. You see what you do and HOW and WHY you do it. 

Almost no one in the world investigates what the mind and body are doing.

Almost no one recognizes that they live in chronic contraction. 

But you feel it!  

We believe it's normal to live in fear, worry, agitation, anger, doubt, lack, feeling limited ... never investigating this mind activity by asking ourselves "what is this?" 

What is fear? What is this anger? Why do I do the things I do? 

We all have situations beginning as children that resulted in contraction - where you contracted the exuberance, life, enthusiasm, innocence, peace and happiness THAT YOU ARE into fear, walking on eggshells, people-pleasing, trying hard, working hard, being good, being quiet, staying out of the way.

We all have our own unique way of contracting - some of go quiet and try to be invisible while others act out with violence or bullying, while others contract into a "look at me" attitude, using the body or their achievements to get people to pay attention to them and love them. 

One time of contraction is nothing. You would go right back into wholeness and exuberance, wonder, peace, being yourself.

Repeated contraction results in permanent chronic contraction which results in a chronic condition of stress & fear, which affects the body, muscles, organs, blood.

Holding yourself in a chronic state of stress blocks all the energy that is the real you. 


When you live in contraction, you feel blocked because that is precisely what is happening. When you contract the energy of your real Self into fear, you are blocking all the love, creativity, life and light that is here.

Contraction vs. Expansion:
The Healing Power of Observation 


June 2024 Workshop Recordings Contraction vs. Expansion


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May 2024 Workshop Recordings Emphasis on Presence


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