Love is the Healer
The first evidence of healing
is a feeling of peace.
Welcome. I'm Lisa Natoli. I know exactly what it feels like to be sick, with extreme physical symptoms, pain, confusion, emotional agitation, fear & uncertainty.
I struggled for 6 years with an "incurable" autoimmune disease (from 2013-2018) and spent over $25,000 on various methods trying to heal - conventional medicine, doctors, a complete change in diet, alternative therapies, naturopath, mind over matter - with no success.
2018 was a turning point. I turned 50 that year. I didn't want to spend the rest of my life struggling. I was tired of "trying to heal."
I wanted a simple happy life, free from attack thoughts and negativity. I realized that the real sickness was chronic body-identification, where I was always focusing on the body - always believing myself to be a body.
Having studied A Course in Miracles since 1992, I knew all about "being the Self" and "being Spirit" and "being love" but up until 2018, all of that was just conceptual - not my direct experience.
In 2018, I began studying Advaita-Vedanta (non-duality) and I was especially drawn to the teachings of Jean Klein and Atmanada Krishna Menon, which focus on a mind-body approach which leads to realization of Self.
The courses I offer are a combination of my own personal experience with healing and awakening based on A Course in Miracles, Advaita-Vedanta though a mind-body approach and inner investigation of thoughts, feelings, narratives, conditioning, patterns, habits and contraction.
This all leads to knowing your true nature, which is happiness.
Which is the end of sickness & suffering.