It's not fair. It's not right.

lisa natoli Feb 19, 2025

Here is a message I sent to my mailing list this morning, February 18, 2025. ENJOY! 💕 If you are on social media - I'm on Facebook & Instagram - then I am sure you have noticed what I have noticed over the past several weeks. People over and over and over saying some version of "It's not fair. It's not right."

They are giving "evidence" and "proof" how something is not fair and not right, most specifically people being fired from federal government jobs and in the latest scenerio 1000 people fired from the National Forest Park service and given reason for their termination as "poor performance" even though many of them have received excellent performance over the many years they have been there.

"It's not fair. It's not right."

I'd like to share a different perspective - it will be A REMINDER to you if you are on a spiritual path for any length of time - that what you see in the world is your point-of-viewing, where you are holding yourself in Consciousness.

And this point-of-viewing (the point where you view yourself, others and the world) can be changed and MUST BE CHANGED if happiness and peace is what you want.

I put this in The Healing Cure and changing my point-of-viewing was my whole way out of sickness, suffering and struggling.

My point of viewing for years was "This isn't fair. This isn't right."

My thinking was: I am a good person. A generous person. Always giving. Always wanting to only do good, only here to be truly helpful, always inspiring, always encouraging. Always there for others.

This is the i-image I made of myself, starting in childhood, my self-concept. These are the stories I told myself about myself, the image I held about myself - an image that takes an enormous amount of energy to maintain.

AND ALL OF LIFE - ALL OF IT - is an invitation to wake up the self-concept we made that we believe is "I" and "me" and allow the concept to be dismantled, to disappear, to float away into the nothingness of what it is.

Most of us won't do this until things get really bad.

For me, my wake up call was years of sickness with physical symptoms and chronic pain.

"It's not fair. It's not right."

"I'm a good person! I only want to do good! I only want to love!"
I am laughing now, in joy, but was not laughing back then. The personal self identity of "Lisa" - of whatever concept you have been holding about yourself - has A FIT when awakening comes knocking at the door.

In The Healing Cure, I call this "a location". My location was to be a victim, feeling sorry for myself, suffering, struggling with thoughts like: "this isn't fair. It's not right."

What I was seeing "in the world" (sickness, pain, no energy) was the location where I was holding myself.

I, Consciousness, all the power in the universe, holding myself in a location of "I'm sick. I'm dying. This isn't right."

Eventually, for all of us, we wake up to all this mind activity and "move" to the truth, which is that ... all is light, all is God, all is Consciousness, all is well.


I had to snap out of the sick-person-location and remember that I am not weak, but strong. I am not powerless, but all powerful. I am not a body, but free.

Two times in my life already, big things have happened that personally affected me that are very similar to what is occurring now in the world.

July 10, 2000 I got the ax at my publishing job in NYC - a result of the dot-com bubble bursting. Fired without notice (I did see it coming) from people I didn't even know that worked in some distant state. It was during the time of the internet becoming a thing ("the World Wide Web" - lol) and everyone scrambling to get in on it. The company I worked for - the #1 health publisher in the world at that time - partnered with some money guys who started to call the shots and make changes. When the whole dot-com thing came crashing down, within a matter of months, I was just a name and salary on a spreadsheet to these guys who now called all the shots. I was "let go" - "we're letting you go" - and escorted out of the building and locked out of email without a chance to take anything with me. I was there at that company for 10 years, the office darling, with exceptional performance reviews. All disappeared in a day. So there was that.

2. My dad losing his house in 2010 to the housing/banking crisis situation that was going on at the time. He was always 2 months behind on his payment and could never catch up. He loved that house. Spent 15 years pouring his love into it, restoring it, making everything beautiful. And after his wife passed of cancer in 2005, he was struggling to pay the mortgage. He was always trying to keep up, to remedy the situation, to work out a solution, to find more work. One day out of nowhere, the mortgage company he had been with just disappeared and no trace of them. Like out of a movie, things just disappearing. Then two people showed up at his house in suits, threatening us, saying the house was owned by the bank now and we had to leave. I was living with him at the time. We moved out in March 2011.

I share this to say, I have been there - and I had every right to say and think "It's not fair. It's not right" and for a while, I DID DO THAT.

For a while, I absolutely could not believe the things we were experiencing. I knew something "was off" in the way the banks were dealing with my dad and not dealing him and then his accounts disappearing where he couldn't even pay his mortgage anymore. He tried to pay and they wouldn't take money - so it was like ... what???????

This IS the situation of the world in many instances. War. Violence. Rape. Hitler. Gaza. Russia. Killing people for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

You look at these situation and go ... what?????? How is this happening? Why is no one doing anything?? It's not right.

And you can either stay stuck in that OR you can come back to the truth of what you are.

In my dad's house situation, we tried everything to call out "fraud" and "not right" because WE KNEW something was fishy but all attempts went nowhere (eventually, the banks did admit to financial fraud schemes - found guilty in court and made to pay $16.65 billion but it was too late - the house was now occupied by new owners - and no money went to my dad). At some point he was offered like $10,000 but he wouldn't take it. He wanted the house back. He wanted to be paying his mortgage. He truly believed that eventually someone would make the situation right - justice would prevail - and that he would get the house back. It's all he wanted. To be back in the house he loved. But that didn't happen.
So here are 2 cases of "It's not fair. It's not right."

And we could absolutely point to EVIDENCE and "be right."

But at what cost?

My dad was constantly stressed and with an underlying rage all the time after that, that he kept under the surface - but all that rage and anger affected him. He lived in that energy.

My awesome fun-loving dad, who was so generous and kind and GOOD spent the last 10 years of his life in anger and resentment.

So ... here we are.


You can stay in the blame game, crying "It's not fair. It's not right"


You can consciously choose to change your location, to be in peace and joy and happiness.

This is not sticking your head in the sand. This is an invitation to awakening and healing, where you use the circumstances and situations of the world and your life to WAKE UP to the truth of what you are.

And then if there is something to do, you find yourself doing it FROM and AS a location of peace and joy.

Like me, writing this message to you.

I'm writing it from a location of peace and clarity, that you may find hope and light where you are.

That you realize you don't have to stay in "the location" where you find yourself in anger, worry or fear but like the prodigal son, you can come on home.

I put all this in The Healing Cure course - how to return home from wandering in darkness and confusion.

if you are interested, click here:

There is also Emotional Mastery and Mind-Body Mastery.

If you have taken any of these video courses already and would like to share something about it below in the comments, that would be awesome!

I get amazing testimonials from people all the time but I often don't share them.

And if you want to join me LIVE on a Zoom call, ask me a question, connect with others, the February call is next Wednesday, February 26, 2025.

All my love to you,



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