Sickness is the best thing that ever happened to me

lisa natoli Jan 12, 2025

Illness, sickness, pain, disturbances, difficulties and problems are the greatest gift when you have developed a practice of being present in the middle of them.

How is this possible?

Because when you pause, when you are still, when the mind is quiet, when you have a willingness to welcome and accept what is arising in your experience, there comes a moment when it is realized that this Welcoming IS your true nature.

Acceptance is our real nature. Love is what we are.

As bodies, as people, believing we are limited and separate, aging with problems, the mind is involved with a whole lot of “solutions” to heal the body, get rid of the disturbance, solve the problem and “get back to peace and happiness.”

This is the mind that is hell-bent on staying in conflict.

You’ve probably already seen for yourself that whenever you solve one problem, you’re still not at peace.

There is a solution that ends all sickness and disturbances forever.

A solution where you are connected, clear and centered in your eternal shining nature, Pure Beingness.

What is this solution?

Get to know the One that knows the sickness, pain, disturbance, difficulty and problem.

Welcome everything that is arising in your experience.

Love everything that is arising in your experience.

Welcoming is our true nature. 

Love is our true nature.

If you have been studying/practicing A Course in Miracles for any amount of time, then you know, at least conceptually, that “nothing is outside of you” and that no one is doing anything to you.

You know, at least intellectually, if you have done A Course in Miracles workbook lessons (or if you are on any kind of spiritual path) that everything is a gift. There are no accidents.

You know (or you read) that you are not a victim and that “you asked for this to happen” (whatever is happening in your life).

“Everything that seems to happen to me, I asked for and received as I had asked.”
— A Course in Miracles

Many people get stuck in this kind of a teaching because the mind is still involved and when the mind is still involved, there is confusion and guilt. The mind then starts asking questions like:

“Why would I ask for pain?” 

“Why would I ask for a situation where I have no money?” 

“Why did that person do that?”

“Why am I sick?”
“Why am I still struggling after all my years of spiritual practice?”

Have you ever questioned/investigated the thoughts that pass through? 

When you investigate, in quiet, in stillness, eventually there is the realization that:
"I am not my thoughts. I am not these thoughts. I am THE AWARENESS of these thoughts, which are just arising and disappearing in my experience." 

Get to know this "I" that thinks, feels and identifies with sickness, difficulty, disturbances, problems and pain.

Welcome what is occurring in your experience.

Then get familiar with the welcoming, which is inviting, expansive, unlimited, accepting, pure love.

This Welcoming is what you are.

I spent almost 10 years in sickness, pain and suffering. I quoted spiritual affirmations and nothing changed for me. I tried every possible thing to heal the body and heal the mind and some things worked temporarily but then I would find myself back in pain and confusion again.

During those years, it never occurred to me to ask…

Who is this “I” that finds itself back in pain again?
Who is this “I” that fights and struggles? 

And who is the” I” that sees the fight and struggle?

I didn’t know about self-inquiry, investigation or welcoming during those years. All I knew back then was fight, struggle, feel guilty, try another diet to relieve symptoms and feel hopeless and powerless.

All that changed for me in 2018.

I started to welcome everything exactly as it is and eventually I started to know this Welcoming as my Self.

It didn’t happen overnight. But slowly I started to notice that I was no longer in contraction, no longer fighting myself, no longer in conflict.

In its place was joy, playfulness, life, vitality and peace. I started to feel alive and creative again. I began to experience happiness as my Self, which previously I had only read about in books.

First the mind got quiet. Those old thoughts of grievances and upset no longer popped up anymore. It’s kind of shocking when it happens! We get so used to thoughts of resentments being there all day long that when they disappear from the scene completely, it’s a little startling!

My suggestion, if you are going through anything difficult or disturbing, is to welcome it.

Stop fighting it. Stop trying to change it. Stop trying to make it go away. Stop trying to heal it.

It is only by coming into a relaxed body and a quiet mind through welcoming and love that awakening and healing occurs naturally.


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