I have been working on the content for the June workshop and I am excited for it. It's June 22nd and 23rd. Registration is below.
Here is a little of what we'll be covering:
I've identified 4 stages of contraction/expansion that people live in.
In Consciousness, in truth, there are NO levels ... however ... when you live in body-identification, in contraction and separation, and believe yourself to be a body, there appears to be levels that can be recognized by your energy level.
Which stage/level of contraction/expansion are you in?
- Suffering
Low-energy. This is the lowest place. You have no energy and feel hopeless, helpless and powerless. This is victim-mentality where you believe that outside circumstances are the cause of your suffering. You believe that nothing will ever change. You feel alone. This is the most extreme form of what I call "contraction" - where the life-force that is you is barely moving. You feel despair, tired, sad, stuck, overwhelmed. This is the most extreme form of someone who is blocked, in lack & not-open-to-receive. You have shut yourself off from all the life that is available to you.
- Struggling/Surviving
You have little more energy. You're coming out of contraction. Something happened that made you "move" out of the suffering/low-energy stage and usually this movement is born out of fear. You have bills to pay. You don't want to be homeless. You see that change is possible, but you're still fully identified with the body as "me" and believe that change requires effort, pushing, working hard. There is never enough. At this stage, the energy is moving and usually takes the form of anger, irritation, judgment, criticism, wanting things to be different, trying to make things different and you're struggling and barely surviving.
- Succeeding
In the next stage, you have even more energy. You are feeling more joy, more ease, more at peace with yourself and the world and things are starting to get easier. You are completely out of victim-mentality. You are understanding that you are the cause that everything that happens. You have glimpsed your true nature, you are beginning to know the power within you and you are no longer blaming other people or outside circumstances for what goes on in your life. But you're still vacillating between the survival/suffering/struggling stage and happiness and peace. You're almost entirely out of contraction - moving into expansion - but you're not yet established in the expansion fully, all the time. You're still identified as the body as "I" and "me", wavering, in doubt, feeling like you're missing some piece of the puzzle. You still believe you have to "make things happen." You have more money and improved health, but you still live in fear that it can all disappear at any time. At this stage, you feel "all things are possible" but you're still not quite sure how to move into flow and abide there, without falling back into old habits.
- Being/Flow
The final stage. You know what you are, as pure being, the Self. You are no longer efforting, no longer trying, no longer working hard. Everything is in the flow and overflow. You are in perfect giving and receiving mode, completely out of contraction, living in expansion, love, gratitude, joy, creativity, wonder, enthusiasm. You are no longer vacillating. You receive with joy. You no longer push things away. You are expressing yourself authentically. You love life. You love others. You love the world. Because you recognize the world is you. You recognize that others are you. Everything you need and want shows up automatically. You. know that everything is unfolding perfectly. You are connected perfectly to inner guidance. There is movement and action in your life, but there is no "doer" that is doing things, and yet things are getting done. The ego has completely disappeared and there is only love. You're here for the ride, enjoying it all, grateful for it all.
This workshop is LIVE with me on Zoom, 2 hours on Saturday and 2 hours on Sunday and everything is recorded, with one-year access: https://www.lisanatoli.com/june-workshop-with-lisa-natoli
There is a way to quantum leap right out of suffering, survival-mode and struggling into this final stage of Being/Flow. It doesn't take time.
It takes Observation, Gentleness and Love.