DESCRIPTION: Can we be happy while our bodies are sick?—Our guest Lisa Natoli today will tell you, “Yes, we can.”
Lisa Natoli is a renowned teacher of non-duality as well as A Course in Miracles. Lisa struggled for 5 years with physical sickness and pain, and in 2018 had a realization of truth that led to her “waking up” to the insanity of false thoughts and beliefs she held about herself. She saw what she doing all of these previous years unconsciously: suffering, fighting herself, attacking herself, living in guilt and self-doubt and she recognized that was the cause of sickness. She began investigating the science of healing and now shares it with others.
In this episode Lisa shares about her incredible journey and her simple, practical, and down-to-earth approach to healing—focusing on the body, mind and consciousness as a direct way to experience health, wholeness, peace, freedom and happiness.
If you, like me, have struggled with chronic health issues and tried so hard to heal – this episode might blow your mind! It is jam-packed with Lisa’s insights and wisdom that have helped me shift my experience completely.
In this episode:
· Lisa shares her journey from struggling with an “incurable” autoimmune disease to her “f*ck it” moment when she decided she was done with trying to heal
· Why “your thoughts create your reality” is not true.
· Practical ways to begin shifting your identity to your True Self
· Why true health is inner peace
· How healing involves letting go of people-pleasing and dismantling of old self-images