Suffering & anger only happen to the person

Feb 25, 2025
Illustration credit: From the amazing artist Tori Press - see more of her beautiful work at @Revelatori 💕
Suffering, irritation, anger, worry is never caused by events, situations or by other people. Suffering is always a result of the mind that believes it is a person.
Two people can experience the same exact situation and one suffers in anger, irritation and blames & lashes out ... and the other remains in peace and joy, in the flow of life.
For example, two people with pain and physical symptoms - one person suffers and is miserable and complaining. The other finds it to be a gift because it has brought understanding, peace and joy.
Two people lose their job. One person is outraged, afraid, angry. The other person sees it as a new beginning.
If it was the event that caused suffering and anger, then both people would suffer and be angry.
Anger is always a result of listening to the mind's narratives and believing the narrative, and...

It's not fair. It's not right.

Feb 19, 2025

Here is a message I sent to my mailing list this morning, February 18, 2025. ENJOY! If you are on social media - I'm on Facebook & Instagram - then I am sure you have noticed what I have noticed over the past several weeks. People over and over and over saying some version of "It's not fair. It's not right."

They are giving "evidence" and "proof" how something is not fair and not right, most specifically people being fired from federal government jobs and in the latest scenerio 1000 people fired from the National Forest Park service and given reason for their termination as "poor performance" even though many of them have received excellent performance over the many years they have been there.

"It's not fair. It's not right."

I'd like to share a different perspective - it will be A REMINDER to you if you are on a spiritual path for any length of time - that what you see in the world is your point-of-viewing, where you are holding yourself in Consciousness.

And this...


Lisa Natoli's Method for Healing Chronic Disease

Feb 09, 2025

Well, this is fun. I just asked AI - ChatGPT - "Please give me Lisa Natoli's method for healing chronic disease" and here is what it gave me. Below. Super accurate. I didn't change a single word - I am posting it here exactly as AI gave it to me - and it even gave me the hearts at the end. So great. It picks up stuff on the internet, videos I've done, courses I've created, interviews I've given, things I've written.

Lisa Natoli’s Method for Healing Chronic Disease

Lisa Natoli’s approach to healing chronic disease is based on a shift in perception, letting go of resistance, and identifying as Awareness rather than the body or mind. Her healing journey—especially healing from a chronic autoimmune disease and chronic pain —revealed that true healing is not about fixing the body, but about returning to wholeness by no longer identifying as a sick person.

Key Principles of Lisa Natoli’s Healing Method
1. Stop Trying to Heal
• The moment Lisa truly...


How Healing Really Works

Jan 29, 2025

Interview with Lisa Natoli & Rieko Yamanaka
DESCRIPTION: Can we be happy while our bodies are sick?—Our guest Lisa Natoli today will tell you, “Yes, we can.”
Lisa Natoli is a renowned teacher of non-duality as well as A Course in Miracles. Lisa struggled for 5 years with physical sickness and pain, and in 2018 had a realization of truth that led to her “waking up” to the insanity of false thoughts and beliefs she held about herself. She  saw what she doing all of these previous years unconsciously: suffering, fighting herself, attacking herself, living in guilt and self-doubt and she recognized that was the cause of sickness. She began investigating the science of healing and now shares it with others.
In this episode Lisa shares about her incredible journey and her simple, practical, and down-to-earth approach to healing—focusing on the body, mind and consciousness as a direct way to experience health,...

Video Interview: Focus on What Health You Do Have

Jan 12, 2025

A new interview went up on Youtube yesterday, my first interview of 2025! 
You can watch it here: 

In this video I talk about the importance of focusing/emphasizing what health you do have if you are struggling with sickness or pain. 

When I was dealing with physical symptoms and pain for years, my focus/attention went almost entirely to what was wrong, to what was not working, to how sick I was, to how bad I felt. 


I wasn't even aware of what health I did have. I ignored it completely and therefore stayed in sickness. 


The light was shining in me completely and I could have been resting in peace and happiness, but no ... I was exclusively focused on how sick I was, how weak I was, how frail I was. 

The turn-a-round for me was when I started focusing on what health I did have. 

This "health" (that you do have) IS THE LIGHT THAT YOU ARE. It is the light of God. It is your Self. It's right...


Sickness is the best thing that ever happened to me

Jan 12, 2025

Illness, sickness, pain, disturbances, difficulties and problems are the greatest gift when you have developed a practice of being present in the middle of them.

How is this possible?

Because when you pause, when you are still, when the mind is quiet, when you have a willingness to welcome and accept what is arising in your experience, there comes a moment when it is realized that this Welcoming IS your true nature.

Acceptance is our real nature. Love is what we are.

As bodies, as people, believing we are limited and separate, aging with problems, the mind is involved with a whole lot of “solutions” to heal the body, get rid of the disturbance, solve the problem and “get back to peace and happiness.”

This is the mind that is hell-bent on staying in conflict.

You’ve probably already seen for yourself that whenever you solve one problem, you’re still not at peace.

There is a solution that ends all sickness and disturbances forever.

A solution where...


Lisa Natoli Notes on Healing, Awakening, Integration & Embodiment

Sep 09, 2024


YOU DO NOT NOT HEAL. The body/person is NOT a healer.

Healing occurs naturally as an extension, expression and expansion of love. 

Everyone has had moments of awakening – moments of peace & happiness  – because our natural state is peace & happiness and is always here.

The reason people think happiness & peace “comes and goes” is because their attention “left” stillness (which is not possible, since this peace & stillness envelops everyone and everything completely) but because of deep conditioning, we believe thoughts when they arise, we attach ourselves to them, and our attention goes there. And boom, it appears peace and happiness have disappeared.


Peace & happiness has not disappeared – you simply took your attention off it.


The primary way of operating for most people is “I am a body”  – which is the belief in separation.


Going through life reacting,...


My approach to healing

Jun 24, 2024

Healing is realization of Self.

Healing is the recognition that your true nature is Silence - and this nature is changeless and shared by everyone and everything.

Everything that seems to be happening to you (or in the world) arises in Silence, in love, and disappears in Silence, our true nature.
Other names for our true changeless nature are God, happiness, peace, Presence, Love, Consciousness, I AM, Awareness, Light, Life.
The  body you think is your body "my body" is memory, a pattern, an image created by you and held in place by you, Consciousness, believing itself to be a body.
Believing yourself to be a body, suffering is inevitable.
With single-focused attention on truth, suffering disappears.
The body, sickness, limitation, lack is all past. It's all memory.
Perhaps you think it's real.
The body doesn't wake up up the morning.
The body wakes up in you.
Take a moment to let that sink in. THE BODY WAKES UP IN YOU.
Every morning.
What you are never sleeps and never wakes...

Which of these 4 stages are you in?

Jun 17, 2024

I have been working on the content for the June workshop and I am excited for it. It's June 22nd and 23rd. Registration is below. 

Here is a little of what we'll be covering: 

I've identified 4 stages of contraction/expansion that people live in. 

In Consciousness, in truth, there are NO levels ... however ... when you live in body-identification, in contraction and separation, and believe yourself to be a body, there appears to be levels that can be recognized by your energy level. 

Which stage/level of contraction/expansion are you in? 


  1. Suffering
    Low-energy. This is the lowest place. You have no energy and feel hopeless, helpless and powerless. This is victim-mentality where you believe that outside circumstances are the cause of your suffering. You believe that nothing will ever change. You feel alone. This is the most extreme form of what I call "contraction" - where the life-force that is you is barely moving. You feel despair, tired, sad,...

My notes on healing

Mar 01, 2024

After years of trying everything to heal the body and trying to heal the mind, there was recognition that I am not the body and not the mind. The body & mind lives and moves and dances in me … perfect wholeness, light, Presence. We are not bodies. We are wholeness, light and oneness. The body, thoughts and emotions that you think is “you” is movement and activity in wholeness which is our true nature. When you begin identifying with the wholeness,  the body takes care of itself. This is from The Healing Cure. 💕

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